A unique Personal Safety & Awareness Training

Our anti-bullying workshop provides kids 6-12 and teens 12-17 with a profound understanding of their innate power and capabilities. They learn new skills to disarm, deescalate and be proactive in the face of potentially harmful social & physical interactions through simple and effective communication, awareness and personal safety tactics.

The workshop teaches kids & teens to go on the offense using verbal and nonverbal communication skills. Both kids and parents leave with a new perspective on bullying, peer pressure and boundaries, as well as with concrete tools to utilize in their everyday lives.

Why every teen and their parent should do Self Offense:

Teen benefits:

  • Learn simple and immediately useful tools in street awareness

  • Bring the nuances of consent into everyday actions

  • Learn what “peer pressure” actually sounds like in a variety of situations

Parent benefits:

  • Support teens to take on new responsibilities like coming home late or walking around alone

  • Learn tangible tools to have conversations about consent and teenage sexual activity

  • Learn to identify when your teen isn’t being listened to and how to support them without “getting involved”

How Does it Work?

The Interview

Learn the verbal techniques that precede an attack — and the tools to turn any interaction around.

The Dance

Master space, time and other non-verbal dynamics to set powerful boundaries, regardless of your physical ability.

The Getaway

Practice simple “release and run” techniques to get away fast.

Keep Kids Safe

Sign up for Kids On The Offense